Acer rubrum 'October Glory'

Red Maple, Lipstick Maple.


Height: 10-12m: Width: 7-9m

Moderate to fast growth rate with well-rounded ovate and balanced growth habit.

The foliage can be a medium to dark green through summer with showy orange, red and/or yellow autumn colour depending on its cultural situation. The leaves are arranged opposite and usually display 3 - 5 palmate lobes with shallow serrated margins. Flowers are insignificant and bright red when produced around Spring.

A cultivar of Acer rubrum, the Acer rubrum 'October Glory' is a well structured tree that is adaptive to a wide range of soil and climatic conditions.  The uniform growth habit and superb autumn colour of the Acer rubrum 'October Glory' add to the landscape value, making it an ideal species for a specimen tree in public parks and gardens, streets and home gardens. This tree serves as a great source for shade and providing stunning autumn colour. The bark is a smooth dark grey when tree is juvenile with young twigs exhibiting a bright red colour. As the tree ages the bark becomes darker and develops fine, long fissures. 


Reference: Trees for Urban and Suburban Landscapes © 1997
Edward F Gilman
Cassells Trees of Britain and Northern Europe © 2003
David More and John White

All plant dimensions are estimates only and ultimate size and growth rates will depend on growing conditions, particularly when used in some urban environments.