Robinia pseudoacacia 'Frisia'

Gold Robinia

Technical information

Height: 12-15m

Habit & Growth rate: Open upright growth habit considered a moderate to fast growing tree when young.

Foliage: Robinia pseudocacia 'Frisia' has large pinnate leaves that are a lovely golden-green in spring. The colour is retained throughout the summer and intensifies during the summer. Produces creamy white flowers in summer. The amount varies from year to year.


Robinias are very adaptable, tolerant to air pollution and are excellent for urban planting. Suitable for hot dry climates and tolerant to coastal conditions.Robinias can and do sucker in particular if root damage occurs. However they can be controlled.

 All plant dimensions are estimates only and ultimate size and growth rates will depend on growing conditions, particularly when used in some urban environments. All estimates are based around a 20-year time frame. With maturity most species will grow larger.

Reference: Edward F. Gilman 1997 Trees for Urban and Suburban Landscapes
David More & John White 2003 Cassell’s Trees Of Britain & Northern Europe.

All plant dimensions are estimates only and ultimate size and growth rates will depend on growing conditions, particularly when used in some urban environments.